/** * jQuery simple Ticker plugin * * Copyright (c) 2012 miraoto * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * */ /** * ticker plugin * * @name $.simpleTiecker(); * @cat Plugins/Preload * @author miraoto * * @example $.simpleTiecker(); * @desc default setting */ (function($) { $.simpleTicker =function(element, options) { var defaults = { speed : 1000, delay : 3000, easing : 'swing', effectType : 'slide' } var param = { 'ul' : '', 'li' : '', 'initList' : '', 'ulWidth' : '', 'liHeight' : '', 'tickerHook' : 'tickerHook', 'effect' : {} } var plugin = this; plugin.settings = {} var $element = $(element), element = element; plugin.init = function() { plugin.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); param.ul = element.children('ul'); param.li = element.find('li'); param.initList = element.find('li:first'); param.ulWidth = param.ul.width(); param.liHeight = param.li.height(); element.css({height:(param.liHeight)}); param.li.css({top:'0',left:'0',position:'absolute'}); //dispatch switch (plugin.settings.effectType) { case 'fade': plugin.effect.fade(); break; case 'roll': plugin.effect.roll(); break; case 'slide': plugin.effect.slide(); break; } plugin.effect.exec(); } plugin.effect = {}; plugin.effect.exec = function() { param.initList.css(param.effect.init.css) .animate(param.effect.init.animate,plugin.settings.speed,plugin.settings.easing) .addClass(param.tickerHook); if (element.find(param.li).length > 1) { setInterval(function(){ element.find('.' + param.tickerHook) .animate(param.effect.start.animate,plugin.settings.speed,plugin.settings.easing) .next() .css(param.effect.next.css) .animate(param.effect.next.animate,plugin.settings.speed,plugin.settings.easing) .addClass(param.tickerHook) .end() .appendTo(param.ul) .css(param.effect.end.css) .removeClass(param.tickerHook); },plugin.settings.delay); } } plugin.effect.fade = function() { param.effect = { 'init' : { 'css' : {display:'block',opacity:'0'}, 'animate' : {opacity:'1',zIndex:'98'} }, 'start' : { 'animate' : {opacity:'0'} }, 'next' : { 'css' : {display:'block',opacity:'0',zIndex:'99'}, 'animate' : {opacity:'1'} }, 'end' : { 'css' : {display:'none',zIndex:'98'} } } } plugin.effect.roll = function() { param.effect = { 'init' : { 'css' : {top:'3em',display:'block',opacity:'0'}, 'animate' : {top:'0',opacity:'1',zIndex:'98'} }, 'start' : { 'animate' : {top:'-3em',opacity:'0'} }, 'next' : { 'css' : {top:'3em',display:'block',opacity:'0',zIndex:'99'}, 'animate' : {top:'0',opacity:'1'} }, 'end' : { 'css' : {zIndex:'98'} } } } plugin.effect.slide = function() { param.effect = { 'init' : { 'css' : {left:(200),display:'block',opacity:'0'}, 'animate' : {left:'0',opacity:'1',zIndex:'98'} }, 'start' : { 'animate' : {left:(-(200)),opacity:'0'} }, 'next' : { 'css' : {left:(param.ulWidth),display:'block',opacity:'0',zIndex:'99'}, 'animate' : {left:'0',opacity:'1'} }, 'end' : { 'css' : {zIndex:'98'} } } } plugin.init(); } $.fn.simpleTicker = function(options) { return this.each(function() { if (undefined == $(this).data('simpleTicker')) { var plugin = new $.simpleTiecker(this, options); $(this).data('simpleTicker', plugin); } }); } })(jQuery);